Cubans’ Shift to MAGA is Rooted in Trauma & Anger

Many elements contributed to Cuban Americans’ recent rightward shift but I want to focus on two particularly salient factors: trauma and anger.

Take the Miami Gentrification Tour!

Let’s embark on a tour of some of Miami’s most gentrified neighborhoods that’ll serve as your next post’s perfect prop.

I Really Don’t Want to Be a Climate Refugee

I and many of my fellow Miamians could be left unmoored—culturally adrift, unable to find purchase in our long-lost motherland or newfound home.

What It Means to Write Miami Satire in Trump’s Miami

How do I proceed as a satirist and champion of Miami when well more than half the county fundamentally and sometimes violently disagrees with me?

Why I Clean Miami’s Mangroves

I do my work because of its intrinsic pain, anger, frustration, and cathartic release. I do it for the mangroves, but I also do it for myself.

How to Spot a Communist in Miami

How can one differentiate between communists and patriots in Miami? Luckily, there are several tell-tale signs.

How to Play Cuban Dominoes

Cuban dominoes is a vehicle para hablar mierda, a psychological battle whose objective is to invade, occupy, and destroy your rivals’ minds.

Hispanics Must Support Our Haitian Neighbors

We Hispanics owe Haitians our support, not just because they helped us in our times of need, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Trump Bullies DeSantis into Letting Felons Vote in Florida

Former President and Presently Convicted Felon Donald Trump, shoved a branch into an underground burrow occupied by Governor Ron DeSantis.

Brightline CEO: Pay Up or Something Unfortunate Might Happen to Your Car

Quit your whining, quit your complaining, and just be glad I don’t send the nearest train to ram right through your front door! You got me!?

Who is Latino?

Who is Latino?

The harder I attempt to grapple with commonalities that define all Latinos, the more elusive they become.

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Now Available

Read the Award-Winning, Culturo-Cosmic Adventure
Just as the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Norse had their gods, villains, and heroes, Miami now has a legendary saga based on the hyperbolic surrealism that is living in South Florida. You will be introduced to a wholly unique universe with its own, often absurd, deities and norms—much like the city from which it’s inspired, and journey from the beginning of the universe, when Pachango the Creator first awoke on his divine pin pan pun, to when the cubanos and their fellow Latinics quite literally tumbled out of the waves and onto Miami’s shores. Along the way, you’ll learn answers to deep existential questions, such as: Where do croquetas come from? Who is the god of chisme? And why is everyone late to everything?
Order TodayChapter 1 FREE
“A Seussian, unfiltered take on the fabled origins of the cultural contradiction that is Miami. Pepito meets Paul Bunyan. Hilariously poignant but biting critique of the frustration of living in present day Miami and why things are why they are.”
Louis Aguirre

Emmy-Winning Journalist and Environmentalist

“Every great city deserves a great foundational myth. Miami wants to be a great city but this collection of stories leaves nothing to be desired. It’s hilarious, raunchy, and uplifting.”
Mario Ariza

Author of Disposable City

“This book is for you if you can see Miami as what we are and what we can be, and if yours is a seriously silly sense of humor. Andrew Otazo loves and knows Miami—wackiness to wisdom. He writes very well.”
David Lawrence Jr.

Retired Publisher of the Miami Herald and Chair of The Children’s Movement of Florida

“[A] cultural icon.”
“It takes readers on a bilingual, psychedelic, eco-conscious odyssey.”
Alexander Gonzalez


“Out of this world... The Miami Creation Myth is filled with laughs and vivid visuals.”
Lance Dixon

The New Tropic

“While Otazo celebrates Miami with humor, he also takes on more serious issues facing our community.”
David Winker

The Islander

“Really fun! You have to check it out!”
Amanda Plasencia


“[Otazo] captured what it means to live in Miami... Genius. Whimsical, out there, and hilarious.”
“Otazo looks to explore [Miami]... with warmth and heart while not shying away from the community’s darker side.”
Kelly Josephsen

The Islander

“¿Tú quieres ser un autor? Eso es una estupidez.”
Óscar Otazo

Andrew Otazo’s abuelo

“Fill up on pump number five.”
Andrew Otazo

Writer of this book

“Your card is over-drafted.”
Gas station attendant


Andrew Otazo

Writer of this book

“Did you really have to write the sun and moon story?”
Cruz Hernández Otazo

Andrew Otazo’s mother

“A Seussian, unfiltered take on the fabled origins of the cultural contradiction that is Miami. Pepito meets Paul Bunyan. Hilariously poignant but biting critique of the frustration of living in present day Miami and why things are why they are.”

Louis Aguirre

Emmy Award-Winning Journalist and Environmentalist

“Every great city deserves a great foundational myth. Miami wants to be a great city but this collection of stories leaves nothing to be desired. It’s hilarious, raunchy, and uplifting.”

Mario Ariza

Author of Disposable City

“This book is for you if you can see Miami as what we are and what we can be, and if yours is a seriously silly sense of humor. Andrew Otazo loves and knows Miami—wackiness to wisdom. He writes very well.”

David Lawrence Jr.

Retired Publisher of the Miami Herald and Chair of The Children’s Movement of Florida

“It takes readers on a bilingual, psychedelic, eco-conscious odyssey.”

Alexander Gonzalez


“Out of this world… The Miami Creation Myth is filled with laughs and vivid visuals.”

Lance Dixon

The New Tropic

“While Otazo celebrates Miami with humor, he also takes on more serious issues facing our community.”

David Winker

The Islander

¡Ñoooooooo que Audiobook!


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