I like to joke that I’m a Daywalker. For those who missed Wesley Snipes’ Oscar-worthy work in Blade, the term applies to vampires who can saunter about in sunlight without immediate incineration. The moniker fits because White Latinos move seamlessly through two...
Alec Enriquez moved into a haunted house. He was unaware of its ethereal nature at the time because he wasn’t an omniscient narrator. Nor did he read a recounting of his experiences written by said narrator, though that would be pretty freaky—for him, at least. No,...
The Miami Creation Myth today awarded The Plantain a Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for its article titled “Can We Talk About the Trash that Is The Miami Herald’s Katherine Fernandez Rundle Endorsement?” The piece, written Milo, The Plantain’s Editor-in-Chief,...
Father Eusebio Diaz stood at the entrance of Saint Augustine Church on the corner of Miller and San Amaro Drive, exasperation darkening his face like storm cloud. He paced between the pews, tapped his foot, crossed his arms, uncrossed them, checked his watch, adjusted...
The City of Miami sought to formalize the previously haphazard method of incorporating outsiders into Latino culture by opening the world’s first Gringo Adoption Agency (GAA). “Longtime Miami residents and new arrivals alike are welcome in the agency,” said Jesus...
I wonder what the article’s about. This is rather odd. Why is it written in first person? Is there anything of substance here? Is the writer messing with me? Am I in on the joke or the subject? OK, this is weird. The text almost, but not exactly, mirrors my inner...