Miami to Replace All Remaining Affordable Housing with Stadiums
Francis Suarez strode to a podium before the Alex Hanna Coliseum, home of the Flying Cockroaches, Miami’s professional unicycle racing team.
Jason Lopez: Miami Noir Bounty Hunter
My name is Jason Lopez, and I’m pretty fuckin badass.
Miami’s Affordable Housing Program Involves Shouting Tech Buzzwords at Poor People
“Disruptive innovation! Blockchain! Series B! Value curve! Web 3.0! Metaverse! 6G! Mixed reality! NFT!”
Native Miamians Declared an Endangered Species
The Environmental Protection Agency will place native Miamians on the Endangered Species List given their dwindling numbers and uncertain outlook.
Every Insane Driving Move You’ll See in Miami
Every crazy-ass thing you’ll see on the Magic City’s crazy-ass roads.
Hugo Chavez Themed Restaurant Opens in Doral
“As a white man with no inkling of the Latino refugee experience, I’m the perfect person to open a restaurant celebrating Chavez!” exclaimed Meenan.
Now Available
Read the Award-Winning, Culturo-Cosmic Adventure“A Seussian, unfiltered take on the fabled origins of the cultural contradiction that is Miami. Pepito meets Paul Bunyan. Hilariously poignant but biting critique of the frustration of living in present day Miami and why things are why they are.”
“Every great city deserves a great foundational myth. Miami wants to be a great city but this collection of stories leaves nothing to be desired. It’s hilarious, raunchy, and uplifting.”
“This book is for you if you can see Miami as what we are and what we can be, and if yours is a seriously silly sense of humor. Andrew Otazo loves and knows Miami—wackiness to wisdom. He writes very well.”
“It takes readers on a bilingual, psychedelic, eco-conscious odyssey.”
“Out of this world… The Miami Creation Myth is filled with laughs and vivid visuals.”
“While Otazo celebrates Miami with humor, he also takes on more serious issues facing our community.”