Miami Heat Responsible for Citywide Pot and Pan Shortage

Miami Heat Responsible for Citywide Pot and Pan Shortage

“This is ridiculous!” gesticulated Marta Hernandez, a 47-year-old mother of three, as she stood in a Kendall Walmart, arms up, cursing her fate in the middle of the kitchen aisle. “I tried Lowes, I tried Target, I tried Costco, and I can’t find a piece of cookware in...
Being Anti-Communist Doesn’t Mean You’re Pro-Democracy

Being Anti-Communist Doesn’t Mean You’re Pro-Democracy

Let’s play a game. Scroll through my comments section and take a shot of tequila whenever someone calls me a communist for supporting LGBTQ+ rights, or asking people to be a little less racist, or—and you died of alcohol poisoning. If I mixed my metaphors every time...
Scientists Crack the Miami Exaggeration Scale

Scientists Crack the Miami Exaggeration Scale

A multidisciplinary team of linguists, sociologists, mathematicians, and computer scientists announced they finally deciphered the Miami exaggeration scale. 3,000 Miamians participated in a 20-year longitudinal study to ascertain exactly what they meant when saying...
A Love Letter to Miami

A Love Letter to Miami

Hi Miami,Andrew here. This is somewhat awkward. I know I critique you A LOT. There’s the article where I said you could go f*ck yourself… in the title. I also wrote that your bus system was composed of dilapidated mule carts, your drivers were suicidal maniacs, and no...