Miami to Replace All Remaining Affordable Housing with Stadiums

Miami to Replace All Remaining Affordable Housing with Stadiums

City of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, a 180-pound sapient amalgamation of Moco de Gorila hair gel and Versace Eros Cologne stuffed into a Burberry suit, slurried to a podium before the Alex Hanna Coliseum. The new home of the Flying Cockroaches, the Magic City’s...
Native Miamians Declared an Endangered Species

Native Miamians Declared an Endangered Species

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will officially place native Miamians on its Endangered Species List given their dwindling numbers and uncertain medium-term outlook. “I’m afraid South Florida is likely to lose its entire native Miamian...
Hugo Chavez Themed Restaurant Opens in Doral

Hugo Chavez Themed Restaurant Opens in Doral

“As a white man with no direct connection to the Latino refugee experience whatsoever, I’m the perfect person to establish a restaurant celebrating Hugo Chavez!” exclaimed Sean Meenan. The 55 year-old, fifth-generation New Yorker stood outside Aló Presidente, his new...
FPL Sacks Orlando After Two-Month Siege

FPL Sacks Orlando After Two-Month Siege

Smoke rose in dark, acrid columns from Downtown Orlando as a line of shackled Disney characters trudged out of the city and into an uncertain future. Passing by batteries of counterweight trebuchets, mangonels, and ballista that had reduced their heretofore...
Abandoned Shed in the Everglades Sells for $700K, Cash, Sight Unseen

Abandoned Shed in the Everglades Sells for $700K, Cash, Sight Unseen

A wood and cinderblock shed located 15 miles due west of SW Krome Avenue and perhaps 10 miles south of the Tamiami Trail as the crow flies recently sold to Propiedades de Luxo LLC, a Brazilian real estate conglomerate, for $703,200. Built in 1963 by Patrick “Mad Pat”...