Zoo Miami Starts Chonga Captive Breeding Program

Zoo Miami Starts Chonga Captive Breeding Program

The common Miami chonga (chongibiti foshibiti), once ubiquitous throughout South Florida, has become an increasingly rare sight in the wild. “By George, they were everywhere!” declared famed chongologist Bradley Percival Moresby IV, his eyes bulging in excitement as...
Miami Politicians Double Down on Thing That’s Never Worked

Miami Politicians Double Down on Thing That’s Never Worked

By: Andrew Otazo Joe Raedle/Getty Images Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Jimenez convened a press conference with other prominent municipal and county leaders to announce that they would spend an additional $2.1 billion of taxpayer money on something that has literally...
Miami Marlins Install Retractable Stadium Floor

Miami Marlins Install Retractable Stadium Floor

Miami Marlins Install Retractable Stadium Floor by Andrew Otazo Originally Published in The Plantain, April 9, 2019 Twelve Miami Marlins and eight Boston Red Sox players were rushed to Jackson Hospital today when Marlins Stadium’s newly installed retractable floor was...