The U.S. Surgeon General warned consumers that excessive consumption of Cuban coffee in Miami can have diverse deleterious and anomalous effects on their health. These include, but are not limited to: Excessive energyDifficulty falling asleepUncontrollable shaking...
Miami’s caffeine cowgirls, the vaunted ventanita ladies, generously decided to share their occult cafecito secrets with The Miami Creation Myth. The following is a detailed, step-by-step description for how to make the perfect cafecito, according to their...
Jessie González, whose parents are both Peruvian immigrants, clutched her knees and rocked herself on a tile bathroom floor, convinced she was too embarrassed to speak Spanish ever again. “Rebaja…rebaja…rebaja…” she muttered, staring unblinkingly at an adjacent wall....
The customer service line snaked out the store and five hundred feet into the parking lot as patrons fought to return their Costco hurricane supplies.. Four days ago, consumers engaged in all-out brawls over the last pallets of bran muffins, two-pound bags of jolly...
The Institute of Assholery Awareness (IAA) today designated Hurricane Dorian a full-blown Category 5 douche. “Dorian is causing widespread emotional, psychological, and physical devastation across its path,” explained Cynthia Almeida, IAA’s Executive Director. “It has...
A palpable sense of relief descended on South Florida as it seemed the region would be spared the worst effects of Hurricane Dorian. No longer would Miamians instigate fights in Publix, enter shouting matches at gas stations, and run each other off the road because of...